It is the goal of the Exotic Wildlife Association to follow our mission of conservation through commerce. This is a proven philosophy that works in every aspect of animal husbandry. Give anything a value and it will thrive. Animals are not museum pieces to merely occupy space. Conservation and sustainable utilization of the species go hand in hand. This is why our members have more numbers of rare and endangered species than any other association in the world.

Be unique this holiday season & give the gift of an EWA membership to that special person in your life!

EWA’s Mission is to encourage and expand the conservation of indigenous and non-indigenous hoofstock animals, and to help our Members develop and strengthen the markets for their animals. To accomplish this integrated two-fold mission, the EWA strives to:

  • Protect the rights of private property owners, including, but not limited to, the right to manage and control their own land and the indigenous and non-indigenous hoofstock animals living on it
  • Defend the owners of indigenous and non-indigenous hoofstock animals against the misrepresentations and false allegations of animal rights activists
  • Articulate the need for “sustainable utilization’ of wildlife, as a viable tool to maintain proper “carrying capacity” on private property
  • Educate policy-makers, the media and the public through research and advocacy
  • Foster development of the alternative livestock industry through agricultural diversification into production and marketing
  • Promote “Conservation through commerce”
  • Provide technical support and useful information to our Members, so as to benefit them, their animals, and their industry


Voting Memberships

Voting level members are persons who are actively engaged as owners, agents, or managers in the handling, propagation, or care of indigenous and non-indigenous hoofstock animals as defined in the EWA By-Laws and any approved amendments thereof. All new voting-level members will receive an EWA No-Trespassing Sign, quarterly EWA Magazine subscription, EWA By-Laws, Game Ranch Directory, e-alerts and EWA decal. All current voting level memberships are eligible to attend the general and special meetings, but must be current January 31st of each year to receive voting rights at the Annual Membership Meeting

Lifetime Member – $1,500.00 (one-time)
Any person who qualifies for Active membership may become a Lifetime Member of the Association. A one-time fee of $1500.00 entitles the member to receive all the rights and privileges of Active membership for the lifetime of the member. Non-transferable. Lifetime members receive the Exotic Wildlife magazine quarterly.

Patron Member – $500.00 (annual)
Any person who qualifies for Active membership may become a Patron Member of the Association. The annual dues of Patron Members shall be $500. Patron Members shall enjoy all the rights and privileges of Active membership, provided that the Patron’s annual membership dues of $500 have been received before January 31 of each year. Dues paid after January 31 will apply toward the following year’s Patronage. Patron members receive the Exotic Wildlife magazine quarterly.

Active Corporate Member – $500.00 (annual)
Corporations actively engaged as owners, agents or managers in the handling, propagation or care of exotic animals shall be eligible for Active Corporate Membership. Active Corporate Members shall designate up to six (6) officers of the corporation to be listed individually as Active Members of the Association; only one of those members shall be entitled to vote on matters of the Association. Dues must be paid by January 31 of each year to receive voting rights at the Annual Membership Meeting. Active Corporate members receive theExotic Wildlife magazine quarterly.

Active Member – $150.00 (annual)
Persons who are actively engaged as owners, agents or managers in the handling, propagation or care of the “exotic animals” as defined above. Dues must be paid by January 31 of each year to receive voting rights at the Annual Membership Meeting. Active members receive the Exotic Wildlife magazine quarterly.

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Non-Voting Memberships

Non-voting level are persons interested in indigenous and non-indigenous hoofstock animals, who support the right to privately own, manage, and breed indigenous and non-indigenous hoofstock animals, and who support a landowner’s right to control his or her own land. All new non-voting members will receive the Fall issue of the EWA Magazine, EWA By-Laws, e-alerts and EWA decal. All current non-voting members are eligible to attend the EWA general and special meetings but will not have voting rights on any matter.

Associate Member – $100.00 (annual)
Corporations interested in exotic animals and other wildlife, and which support the right to privately own, manage, and breed wildlife, and which support a land owner’s right to control his or her land. Associate Corporate Members are eligible to attend the general meeting and special meetings of the Association, but shall not be entitled to vote on any matter. Associate Corporate Members shall designate up to six (6) officers of the corporation to be listed individually as Associate Members of the Association. Associate Members are entitled to attend general and special meeting of the Association, but shall not be entitled to vote on any matter. Associate members receive the Fall Edition of the Exotic Wildlife magazine.

Sportsman Member – $100.00 (annual)
Persons who support hunting and are interested in the conservation of “wildlife” as defined above. Shall be entitled to attend the general and special meetings of the Association, but shall not be entitled to vote on any matter. Sportsman members receive the Fall Edition of the Exotic Wildlife magazine.

Associate Corporate Member – $200.00 (annual)
Corporations interested in exotic animals and other wildlife, and which support the right to privately own, manage, and breed wildlife, and which support a land owner’s right to control his or her land. Associate Corporate Members are eligible to attend the general meeting and special meetings of the Association, but shall not be entitled to vote on any matter. Associate Corporate Members shall designate up to six (6) officers of the corporation to be listed individually as Associate Members of the Association. Associate Corporate members receive the Fall Edition of the Exotic Wildlife magazine.

Student Member – $25.00 (annual)
Persons are interested in the conservation of “wildlife” and who are enrolled in a public or private school or institution. Shall be entitled to attend the general and special meetings of the Association, but shall not be entitled to vote on any matter. Student members receive the Fall Edition of the Exotic Wildlife magazine.

Auxiliary Member – $0.00 (annual)

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